How to write the perfect profile on IZANAU? - Part 2
Monday, April 2, 2018
Part 2: Basic Information
Part 2 on our series on How to build the perfect profile on IZANAU!
You are registered on IZANAU, you followed our steps to choose your best picture and write your about? It's time to get serious with your basic information!
First things first, the status of your profile!
Of course the best way for you to find a matching company is having your profile online but beware of halfway filled profiles... They could give the wrong message. Our tip would be to fill in the most important parts of your profile before putting it online and if you don't have time, to perfect it later on.
Since we are talking about important fields, let's have a look at the job related basic information: Profession, Industry and Visa situation. They will give hints to a possible matching companies, what are you doing and in what industry, meaning what domain you are proficient in.
If you're on the look for a new orientation in your career, choosing wisely your Profession may be a good start! Putting too much titles here is not relevant, if you really want to show your many talents, we would recommend using the about part for that. The Industry you worked for gave you a lot of insights and know-how, of course you're not limited to this industry but that gives a lot of information to readers! Finally, we ask you to give your visa status but we won't display it on the website! It is just a way for us to know if you will need a visa update or if we have to find a matching company quickly for you.
Another field that you should pay attention to is the Country and Region! Should you be willing to relocate or already living in Japan, it gives a time range for your potential starting date in a company! Also, knowing you're living in the Tokyo area for exemple, could be a nice way to get a really quick interview!
We placed a website field on your profile too as this can be a nice way to stand out in the crowd: I am a creative writer so I choose to display my personal blog where I discuss about literature and what I write (in French, sorry!). This is the best way for a web engineer or a journalist to show his talents!
Languages! A strong tool when you're a foreigner! Most of us can speak at least 3 languages and this is something you should definitely brag about.
Your native language, of course (some of you forget about it!), often English and Japanese but maybe other ones. I chose to focus on the three I speak the most (and the best!) but you could also indicate the languages where you have a beginner level for exemple.
Your spoken languages are of course a proof of your communication skills but it could also be a nice way to show that you are an open-minded person and eager to learn, something that companies love!
Last but not least, your Social Media!
If Social Media are a part of your personal branding strategy, you should definitely include them in your IZANAU profile. Instagram, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn or even GitHub, just pick your weapon and show to the world what you can do with your hands and mind!
I chose to focus on my Instagram as it relates to my inspiration and creative writing, my LinkedIn to broaden my professional window but you could definitely put there a GitHub with personal projects or a Facebook page used as marketing tool.
About the Author

I do things, mostly. Writer, wanderer, dreamer and sometimes Marketing Account Manager.