How to build the perfect profile on IZANAU? - Part 1
Monday, February 19, 2018
Part 1: How to stand out of the crowd
So here you are, registered on IZANAU! (not yet? What are you waiting for?!)
But how will you stand out and catch companies' eyes? How will you meet the perfect job and company for you? Well, that's exactly why we are here for! We are starting a whole new series here on IZANAU in order to help you build the perfect profile: the one that will represent you in the best way and makes you look interesting (because you are)!
Follow us along the articles and build with us the ultimate profile on IZANAU!
So let's start with the beginning, shall we? Today, we're having a glimpse at your picture and the "about" alongside. Let's take a look at my profile!
The first impression you will make is when your name and picture will appear on the list of candidates, so that's what you have to think throughly!
Of course, choosing a not too "vacation" feeling picture is a must but we are a community site so we would definitely recommend a picture that represent you. I chose a blurry picture, with vivid colors and flowers as I wanted to stand amongst the suits and really pastel backgrounds of candidates usually appearing when you talk about jobs. And it worked! Whatever the research fields are, having a violet-ish picture is definitely making me more visible.
Find the perfect one for you, if possible showing your personality but above all: catching the eye! If your picture stands out, the more chances of getting "clicked on" you get.
The next thing you want to get at is your name!
I saw so many candidates neglecting the capital letters in their own names, that's definitely a must in every profile. Also, it may look really obvious but using your real names or at least the first letter of your last name for exemple, is better. Nicknames can be harsh when you are on a hunt for a job...
When you're done with that, your first impression is already getting better. But now, let's get to the hard part: the about.
It's never easy to talk about yourself, we all know that but here comes that time where you have to sit and think: what do I want to do? What I am good at? What is the thing that makes me different? You have two sentences, three at most to tell all of these information in a way that will be clear and loud. You clearly can't finish that in a few minutes, you need to work on it and ideally let it sit for a few days before writing your final "about".
So what will it be? How will you stand out of the crowd and be a successful candidate on IZANAU?
About the Author

I do things, mostly. Writer, wanderer, dreamer and sometimes Marketing Account Manager.