In Japan Students can now Switch to a Business Manager Visa Easily
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
A new amendment makes it easier for exchange students to get business manager visas.

If a foreigner wants to start a business in Japan the can have to, they need to have one of the following visas:
- Permanent resident visa
- Long-term resident visa
- Spouse of a Japanese National
- Child of a Japanese National
- Spouse of a permanent resident
- Designated activities visa
- Business manager visa
This article will focus on the recent amendments to Business Manager Visa.
What is a Business Manager Visa?
A business manager/administrator is said to be someone who works in trade or other industries in Japan as the manager, administrator, etc., of a business, or who engages in managerial duties in recognized industries. In other words, it’s the residence status necessary for those who manage a business.
Getting the Business Manager visa requires the following:
- Securing an office in Japan.
- Having at least 5,000,000 yen in your business’ capital stock or finances.
- Having at least two full-time employees that live in Japan.
- If the hold of the Business Manager Visa is to work as a Manger instead of as an administrator the following criteria has to be met:
- Three years relevant experience (including courses in management or administration in graduate school)
- Must receive the same amount of remuneration as a Japanese Manager the same position in this context such as, department heads, section managers, factory managers, and those who handle company operations.
This amendment aims make things easier for exchange students specifically to switch to a Business Manager visa.
Previously, it was impossible to change from a Student visa to a Business Manager visa after studying in Japan without first returning to one’s home country and applying for the new visa.

With this amendment, in National Strategic Special Zones it seems exchange students can undergo the necessary procedures to change their resident status without needing to return to their home country. They can even do so during their period of study in Japan (However, they still need to meet the conditions stated above, such as needing an office, and 5,000,000 yen).