Insurance Card, Residence Card to be Merged with My Number Card
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Digital Minister Kono is expected to make the announcement soon.

[Edited May 28, 2024]
The Japanese Government is working towards merging the paper health insurance card with the My Number card by the fall of 2024. The official announcement is expected to be made soon.
The 「マイナ保険証」(mania-hokensho) was introduced last October and now the Japanese government plans to phase out the paper insurance card and merge the My Number card with the insurance card.
The government is also planning to integrate the foreign residence card, 「在留カード」(zairyu card) with the My Number card as well and is considering whether the current target of integration with the driver's license, to be achieved by the end of 2024, can be achieved sooner.
Digital Minister Kono is expected to announce such a policy soon, which will effectively make the My Number card mandatory.
For more information about the My Number card click on the image below to watch a video created by Edogawa city.