IZANAU's first successful matching was in the Philippines!
Friday, February 2, 2018
Last week, one of the biggest food manufacturer in Japan flew over to Baguio, a city in the Philippines, and organize a first round of interviews in order to recruit students.
IZANAU collaborated with JETA-BFJ International Inc. and this Japanese company to make this students' introduction a huge success.
Like more and more companies, this food manufacturer is facing a shortage of workers in Japan and is turning to overseas to increase its workforce. IZANAU network helped to reach the right candidates really quickly and eased the communication between them.
Around 40 students were introduced by IZANAU and a dozen of them had the chance to be directly hired on site. More hires are also expected in the future. This was perceived as a wonderful opportunity for students to discover the Japanese hiring process and brush up their 敬語 (keigo, business Japanese), a lot of them were thankful for this "real opportunity" in the course of their Japanese studies.
We will keep in touch with the lucky 新入社員 (shinnyushain, new employees) and will keep you updated on their new journey in Japan.
If you are willing to work in Japan too, register now in IZANAU!
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