Job interview season has officially started
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
2019 university graduates will have the chance to be picky!

Waves of students in dark suits are walking around the biggest Japanese company headquarters. June 1st marks the official start of the recruiting season for the Japanese companies and university students graduating next year.
Called 就活 (shuukatsu, short for 就職活動 shuushokukatsudo, job-hunting activities) by students, this time is dedicated to all the selection process during the 4th year at university. Benefiting from the worker shortage, they can be picky: there are currently 1.88 openings for 1 graduating student.
On companies side, the 新卒採用 (Shinsotsusaiyou, new graduate recruiting) competition has become harsher. Companies have to be quick and send their 内定 (naitei, unofficial job offer) as soon as possible. Actually, roughly 40% of the candidates had already received one before May 1st.
Most wanted students? Scientific fields (mathematics, engineering, chemistry).
Hiring industries? Service and infrastructures (+30% compared to last year),manufacturing and retail ( +20% for both) as Mynavi reveals in its recent survey.
According to this survey from Disco, 57.8% of the Japanese companies expect to hire a foreign talent after graduation.
Take your chance and register on IZANAU!
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